Wood Hot Tubs
Wood Hot Tubs are space and energy efficient, environmentally friendly, customizable to fit any space and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Wood hot tubs today are less popular than acrylic spas; however, it was the wood hot tub that began the experience of social bathing in America.
Whether to purchase an acrylic spa or a wood hot tub depends mostly on personal preference and each individual situation.
Wood Hot Tub Advantages
1. Assembled On Site – Fitting Narrow Accessways
Wood hot tubs are assembled on site, and can be carried through any doorway, down stairs or through any other narrow access.
With an acrylic spa, you have a large one-piece vessel which can be unwieldy or impossible to move into its final location.
2. Space Efficient
The vertical walls and greater depth of the wood hot tub surround the bather with more water than would be found in a spa, so there is a greater effect of buoyancy in the hot tub. In addition, there is typically much more leg room since you can stretch out under the bench, and taller bathers are more comfortably accommodated.

The overall size of the wood hot tub, depth and diameter, can be customized to fit anything you can imagine. The exact height of the bench, and the location that the jets are installed are exactly as you like.
Because of the wood hot tub’s greater depth, a smaller diameter hot tub will seat the same number of people as a larger plastic spa.
For example, a 5′ round hot tub will seat as many people as a 7′ square spa. Also, a smaller surface area means less heating expense.
3. Environmentally Friendly
The wood hot tub alone is an environmentally friendly option and can easily be disposed of as the wood is biodegradable and the bands and many parts of the equipment are reusable.
4. Aesthetically Pleasing Natural Wood Beauty & Therapeutic Aroma
Finally, there is the natural rustic look of a traditional wood hot tub. From an aesthetic point of view, nothing matches the appearance of a wooden tub. The natural beauty of cedar or teak is not only pleasing to the eye, it also provides a pleasant and therapeutic aroma to your bathing experience.
Round Wooden Hot Tubs & Ofuro Tubs
Square Ofuro Tub
Ofuro Soaking Tubs have been used by the Japanese for centuries to alleviate both physical and spiritual maladies.
Custom crafted these Ofuro tubs are built with the same quality, shapes, detail, and styling of traditional Japanese ofuro tubs.
These traditional Ofuro tubs come in a wide variety of sizes and depths but only two shapes; square or rectangular.